Thursday, June 11, 2015

Mechanical Scoop

Ice Cream Scooper

I like hand tools, woodworking, garden and yes kitchen tools too.  Looking into my kitchen utensil drawer I looked for the most neglected and found it at the very back of the drawer, my old ice cream scooper from the 50's or 60's.  I don't stock ice cream and when I do it seems the boys of the house attack with anything that gets it to their mouths.  As a kid I worked as a scooper in a ice cream shop and learned the fast and easy way to scoop, it was not with one of these so I don't reach for it when in need.  I do however like the mechanics and form, the American industrial design and build quality of pre-WW2.   So when I brought it into the light of day I had an inspired moment, a found object worthy of a photograph; a Marcel Duchamp object in a Louise Nevelson set.   

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