5 shades of m
are m&m's food? Well I think they are, I have been living off them for 4 days now. I shot the neon little chocolate pills today and now see them for what they are... artificial hits of Damian Hirst colour that should be taken sparingly, not ripping open 3 little packs at a time and inhaling, which I have been doing. Only five colours but strangely all with the same taste. I think I have had my fill, which is good because I also think this was the last pack. Another thing I discovered on this visual escapade is employing the iPhone and an LED headlamp really compliment the candy. Cheap and easy, garish colour, does not hold up to scrutiny and over-sharpened. I apologise for taking you down this gastro back alley but I'm gleefully satiated with the cheesy result and my awakening to the harm or all of the above.
Will I pop more m&m's and shoot with the iPhone and LED lights?...sadly, most likely I will. But, and this is a big but, I know their place and value, cheap imitations of the real thing.
Yes I'm aware I have been using the English version of "colour", a bi-product of channeling Mr. Hirst and like the subject matter, I am just a cheap imitation.